4/18 Holy Thursday
7 pm - In Remembrance of Christ establishing 2 Sacraments: The Eucharist & the Priesthood. Ceremonial feet washing during the Service / Adoration of Blessed Sacrament after 7:00 pm Mass with Confession approx. 8:30 pm during Adoration  

4/19 Good Friday
3pm Stations of the Cross, Lord’s Passion, & Chaplet of Divine Mercy 7pm Droga Krzyżowa, Liturgia Męki Pańskiej i Gorzkie Żale 9:00 pm approximately CONFESSION after Stations of the Cross  

4/20 Holy Saturday
12 noon, 2 pm & 4 pm Blessing of Easter Baskets  8 pm (BILINGUAL)- EASTER VIGIL /THE LITURGY OF LIGHT  

4/21 EASTER Sunday 
8:30 am & 12:30 pm (English) EASTER Mass Service & Divine Mercy Sunday Novena 10:30 am (Polish) Msza Święta i Nowenna Miłosierdzia Bożego 

4/22 EASTER Monday
4:00 pm (English) , 6:30 pm (English) & 7:30 pm (Polish)

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