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Polska Szkoła / Polish School
Przypominamy, że rozpoczęcie Roku Szkolnego 2013/14 w Polskiej Szkole odbędzie się w sobotę 14 września o godz. 9.30 rano. Wszystkich serdecznie zapraszamy.
We would like to remind you that the start of our School Year 2013/14 will be held on Saturday, Sep 14 at 9:30 am. All are warmly invited.
Dear Parents, Dear Children,
I would like to remind you that the start of our School Year 2013/14 will be held on Saturday, Sep 14 at 9:30 am. All are warmly invited.
The school year will begin with a joint prayer in the church. A brief organizational meeting will follow in the lower church.
After the end of the meeting, classes will start according to the schedule.
We accept all children of all Polish citizens leaving temporarily or permanently abroad and all children of non-Polish citizens.
We accept children from 3 to 15 years old. Depending on number of children, we plan to create following grades:
1. Preschool for 3 yr. old
2. Preschool for 4 yr. old
3. 1st grade
4. 2nd grade
5. 3rd grade
6. 6th grade
The groups will be combined, if the number of children is not sufficient.
The classes will be held every other Saturday from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. We offer the following courses:
1. Religious education for children of I-VIII grade
2. Polish language
3. Polish language with elements of nature (I-IV grade) or Polish history and geography (V-VIII grade)