

The School of Spirituality

The School of Spirituality

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be.”


The school of spirituality, as indicates the name itself, signifies a style of Christian life and system of his forming in which all the elements of spirituality such as: the image of God, prayer, asceticism, ascetical practices, interpersonal relationships… are strictly related to each other. Each school of spirituality has its own founder, doctrine and disciples, who live according to its rules. Schools basically differ among each other in three elements: model of sanctity, suggested means to its achievement and tips regarding the interior life. To the great schools of Christian spirituality belong, among others, the Benedictines, Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites or Jesuits. The school of St. Faustina, which grows from her charism and mystical experience, joined the group in our times.

Drukuj cofnij odsłon: 8625 aktualizowano: 2018-09-18 02:55 | utworzono: 2018-09-18 02:52:48 Do góry