

Divine Mercy Celebration and Day of the Thanksgiving for the Canonization of Blessed John Paul II & John XXIII

Please join us for Divine Mercy Sunday Celebration and Day of the Thanksgiving for the Canonization of Blessed John Paul II & John XXIII.

On April 27th, 2014 at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy at Holy Rosary Church, located at 408 S. Chester Street, in Baltimore, MD 21231, there will be a Mass celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday as well as a day of Thanksgiving for the canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II.  This special Mass offers many blessings to all who attend and fulfill the Divine Mercy obligations of making a good confession, attending Mass and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet— all of which will be available.  End your day beautifully and meet with Jesus in the Eucharist at our regularly scheduled daily evening Mass on weekdays at 6:30p.m.

Holy Rosary Church is very blessed with having three first-class relics: that of St. Faustina, of Blessed John Paul II who canonized St. Faustina in 2000, and of Blessed Michael Sopocko who was her confessor.  Holy Rosary is also the church where Fr. Ronald Pytel received the miracle that brought about the canonization of St. Faustina and where Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass while he was still the Bishop of Krakow in 1978.

To honor this special day in the Catholic Church and in the hearts of all Poles, Holy Rosary will begin a     3 day celebration starting on Friday April 25th with Adoration and ending on Sunday April 27th with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Rozanski, joined by priests from Baltimore, some originally from Poland.  The Divine Mercy Novena which consists of reciting the Divine Mercy chaplet , will begin on Good Friday at 6:30p.m. and continue daily  at that time for 9 days.  A highlight of this celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday and of our Popes, will be the one-woman performance of “St. Faustina-Messenger of Mercy” by world renowned singer and performer Nancy Scimone.  In an interview with the Catholic Exchange, Ms. Scimone  is quoted as saying , “Through this performance, I desire to portray both the chosen soul who receives extraordinary graces, as well as, the soul who, like each of us seeks to know, love and serve our Lord.


 Divine Mercy Celebration

 April 18 - April 26  at 6:30 pm - Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena

April 25 - Friday

 3:00 pm - Chaplet & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

 6:00 pm - Confessions

 6:30 pm - Novena and Mass /English/

 7:30 pm - Nowenna i Msza /Polish/

 8:00 pm – „Brat Naszego Boga” – sztuka na podstawie dramatu Karola Wojtyły, opowiadająca o życiu św. brata Alberta Chmielowskiego (sugerowana ofiara $ 5)


April 26 - Saturday


8:30 am - Mass /Polish/

3:00 pm -Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament , Novena & Chaplet

5:00 pm -Vigil Mass /English/


April 27 - Divine Mercy Sunday


8:30 am - Mass /English/

10:30 am - Mass /Polish/

12:00 pm - Messenger of Mercy - Drama of the Life of St. Faustina, by Nency Scimone (free admission)

12:30 pm - 3:00 pm - Confessions

1:30 pm – Bilingual Solemn Mass, by the Most Reverend Mitchell Rozanski

3:00 pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Sung Chaplet and Procession, Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image & Relics of St. John Paul II and St. Faustina Kowalska.

 Gift shop will be open immediately afterwards.

 Homemade Polish food will be available on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am - 5:00pm.










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