

The deadline for parishioner feedback to the Archdiocese

The deadline for the Archdiocese to receive feedback for the Seek the City to Come proposal is set for Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. 

More inside. 


Please, send email and regular mail to Archdiocesan leaders by their deadline. Please, be aware that the deadline for the Archdiocese to receive feedback for the Seek the City to Come proposal is set for Tuesday, May 14 at 5:00 p.m.

We encourage every parishioner to let them know how you feel about proposed plan to merge our parish with Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish.


Seek the City to Come initiative - Seekthecity@archbalt.org

His Excellency, Most Reverend Archbishop William E. Lori - archbishop@archbalt.org
His Excellency, Most Reverend Bishop Bruce A. Lewandowski, C.Ss.R. - bruce.lewandowski@archbalt.org 410-547-5452

Geri Royale Byrd; Director, Seek the City to Come - Geri.Byrd@archbalt.org   410-547-5318
Julie St. Croix; Director of Parish Renewal - Julie.StCroix@archbalt.org   410-547-5488
Monsignor Jay O’Connor; Episcopal Vicar to the Eastern Vicariate - JOconnor@archbalt.org   410-547-5527

Physical address: 

Archdiocese of Baltimore
320 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Please send all mail via FedEx, and absolutely do not send regular USPS mail. 

Drukuj cofnij odsłon: 1431 aktualizowano: 2024-05-15 14:33 Do góry