

St. Faustina Celebration and Day of Prayer for Peace

A special Vigil combined with Mass at 5:00 pm and a Healing Service will take place at Holy Rosary Church on Saturday, October 4th to honor St. Faustina. Since 1995,  when Fr. Pytel received the miracle of healing through the intercession of St. Faustina, our church honors  her October 5th feast day  with a special service.


October 4, 2014

3.00 pm –  5.00pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

4.00 pm – Opportunity for confession

5.00 pm – Bilinqual Holy Mass with veneration of the relics of St. Faustina

After Mass – Healing service with the individual prayers.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Prayer Service for Peace until 9.00 pm


October 5, 2014

8.30 am – Holy Mass in English, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and veneration of the relics of St. Faustina

10.30 am - Holy Mass in Polish, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and veneration of the relics of St. Faustina

12.30 pm - Holy Mass in English, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and veneration of the relics of St. Faustina



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