

Bulletin November 11, 2012

Bulletin November 11, 2012

aktualizowano: 2012-11-09 16:40
Visit a Cemetery and Pray for the Dead

Visit a Cemetery and Pray for the Dead

The Bible tells us that "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins" (2 Maccabees 12:46), and especially in the month of November, the Catholic Church urges us to spend time in prayer for those who have gone before us.

6093 aktualizowano: 2012-11-03 17:53
Bulletin November 4, 2012

Bulletin November 4, 2012

aktualizowano: 2012-10-31 16:59
Wszystkich rekordów w kategorii: 527
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“And I understood that the greatest attribute of God is love and mercy. It unites the creature with the Creator. This immense love and abyss of mercy are made known in the Incarnation of the Word and in the Redemption [of humanity], and it is here that I saw this as the greatest of all God’s attributes.” (181)