

March For Life 2015

March For Life 2015

The March for Life began as a small demonstration and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event in the world. The peaceful demonstration that has followed on this somber anniversary every year since 1973 is a witness to the truth concerning the greatest human rights violation of our time, abortion.

The U.S. bishops annual novena 9 Days for Life takes place Saturday, January 17 – Sunday, January 25. Pray for the respect and protection of all human life with new intentions, brief reflections, and more each day. Download the novena online, or participate through Facebook, email, text message or an app. Join at www.9daysforlife.com! 

aktualizowano: 2015-01-15 15:56
Bulletin January 11, 2015

Bulletin January 11, 2015

aktualizowano: 2015-01-10 17:55
Epiphany of the Lord

Epiphany of the Lord

Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany. "The Lord and ruler is coming; kingship is his, and government and power." With these words the Church proclaims that today's feast brings to a perfect fulfillment all the purposes of Advent. Epiphany, therefore, marks the liturgical zenith of the Advent-Christmas season.

5540 aktualizowano: 2015-01-09 05:32
Wszystkich rekordów w kategorii: 527
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“The flames of mercy are burning me. I desire to pour them out upon human souls. Oh, what pain they cause Me when they do not want to accept them!.” (1074 – paragraph 2)