

2015-05-01, Pierwsza Komunia Św / 1st Holy Communion

2015-05-01, Pierwsza Komunia Św / 1st Holy Communion

Msza odbędzie się o 10:00 rano

Mass will take place at 10:00 A.M.

3761 aktualizowano: 2016-04-28 03:51
2016-04-10, Bierzmowanie / Confirmation

2016-04-10, Bierzmowanie / Confirmation

Msza Święta o 10:00 rano / Holy Mass at 10:00 am

3838 aktualizowano: 2016-04-04 04:03
Pierogi, kremówki

Pierogi, kremówki

3758 aktualizowano: 2016-04-03 01:16
Wszystkich rekordów w kategorii: 546
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“Tell souls not to place within their own hearts obstacles to My mercy, which so greatly wants to act within them. My mercy works in all those hearts which open their doors to it. Both the sinner and the righteous person have need of My mercy. Conversion, as well as perseverance, is a grace of My mercy.” (1577)