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I rocznica komunii św i zakończenie roku szkolnego i katechetycznego /Polish School Graduation (June 3, 2012)
PHOTOS: Andrzej
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Sate of Maryland - Statewide Referendum Petition
The Catholic Church in Maryland is working with the Maryland Marriage Alliance to repeal legislation passed by the General Assembly to drastically redefine marriage in Maryland. For those interested in protesting same-sex marriage in Maryland, please download the form, print and fill it out, and send it to the address printed at the bottom of the form.

Memorial Day Mass at 9.00. Please join us.
On Monday is Memorial Day. This Memorial Day we join together in prayer with all those who have served our country. Both veterans and those currently serving in the military have our heartfelt blessings and deepest gratitude. Remember your loved ones, living and deceased, this Memorial Day. Holy Mass will be offered at 9.00 AM. Please join us.
Our office will be closed for Memorial Day.

Dzień Katyński 2012 / 12th Annual Katyn Remembrance (April 29, 2012)
PHOTOS: Andrzej
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