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Duchowe przygotowanie do Jubileuszu / Spiritual prep for Jubilee (Dec 5-8,2012)
Full size pictures can be downloaded from this website:
(PHOTOS: Andrzej)

Holy Rosary Parish. 125-lecie: Bankiet / 125th Anniversary: Banquet (Dec 9,2012)
Bankiet z okazji 125-rocznicy powstania Parafii Matki Bożej Różańcowej w Baltimore. Na bankiecie zostało zaprezentowane wideo o historii parafii. Wystąpił również zespół tańca Ojczyzna.
Banquet on Jubilee Day of 125 anniversary of Holy Rosary Parish in Baltimore. The movie about parish history was presented. Ojczyzna Dancers also performed at the banquet.
PHOTOS: Andrzej
Full size pictures can be downloaded from this website:
Movie: Bożena

Holy Rosary Parish. 125-lecie: Msza Św / 125th Anniversary: Holy Mass (Dec 9,2012)
Uroczysta Msza Jubileuszowa z okazji 125-rocznicy powstania Parafii Matki Bożej Różańcowej w Baltimore. Msza Św odprawiona przez biskupów Denisa J. Maddena i Mitchella T Różańskiego. Jubileuszowy koncert organowy w kosciele.
Solemn Mass on Jubilee Day of 125 anniversary of Holy Rosary Parish in Baltimore. Holy Mass celebrated by bishop Denis J. Madden & bishop Mitchell T. Rozanski. Jubilee Concert at the church.
PHOTOS: Andrzej
Full size pictures can be downloaded from this website:
MOVIES: Bożena
See also article from Catholic Review:

Pierwsze medialne relacje z naszej uroczystości jubileuszowej/ Fells Point parish with Polish roots celebrates 125 years
See: article from Catholic Review

The Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the patronal feast of the United States and a Holy Day of Obligation, falls in this month. Please especially pray this Novena leading up to the feastday of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. Here is a list of all the prayers for each day of the Novena. Novena starts November 29.
Masses schedule:
Friday, December 7 at 7 PM – Vigil Mass in Polish (in the Church)
Saturday, December 8 at 8.30 AM – bilingual Mass (in st. Faustina chapel)
Saturday, December 8 at 5 PM – II Sunday of Advent Vigil Mass in English (It is not Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception).
Saturday, December 8 at 7 PM – Mass in Polish.